WE Post: June 2023 E-News

Greetings from USAWE President Elect

June 2023 E-News
See all past President Letters: President's Letter

President’s Letter

By: Chris Stanko

Hello from rainy Colorado!

USAWE has been busy preparing for the judges seminar in Illinois. Well the weekend is finally happening. The judging seminars take a lot of preparation from our LO committee. They work tirelessly to prepare the educational information to help teach our judges and TD’s. I’d like to personally say THANK YOU to each and everyone of them for their time and effort they put into this education. The seminar in Illinois just finished up and it was amazing. I’d also like to say a Special THANK YOU to Jose Benito (our WAWE judge from Spain and his wife). You have been an amazing teacher for all of us.

I’d like to congratulate Summer Star for qualifying for the Youth/Young rider WE Championships to be held in Portugal coming up over the 4th of July. This Young lady has worked hard and is a lovely rider. Best of Luck to you, Summer! We are all rooting for you.

Ride Softly
Ride with Grace
Ride with Rhythm
Ride with Tact

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