Professional Instructor: Erica Peet of Peet Equestrian

Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e
Erica Peet in WE Water Obstacle

Erica Peet of Peet Equestrian

Connect with Erica via Social Media and on the Peet Equestrian Facebook Page

or her website:

Wonder Lake, IL



  • Lessons/Clinics on-site
  • Travels for Lessons/Clinics
  • Lesson horses available on-site
  • Obstacles available on-site
  • Youth Division Lessons
  • Offers Instruction to L4 Intermediate A

Erica Peet of Peet Equestrian

Wonder Lake, IL

Connect with Erica via Social Media or her website:


  • Lessons on and off farm
  • Clinics on and off farm
  • Training
  • Boarding
  • Horse Sales

Working Equitation entered Erica Peet’s life in 2013. She quickly fell in love with how the sport tests all aspects of horsemanship, fosters growth and improvement that rider and horse can achieve at a reasonable pace, and that it encourages fantastic sportsmanship. Erica Peet and her husband love introducing this fantastic sport to people and have put on WE clinics all around the country. They also teach students locally, working towards progressing them up the levels.

Erica Peet earned her “r” Judge Card for Working Equitation in the fall of 2018 and with it she has judged WE shows all around the US. Erica’s initial horse education exposed her to various breeds. Each breed’s differences helped her gain the ability to find a horse’s individual strengths. For years, specializing in Andalusians has been her primary focus. Erica has been successful at the International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association National Championship shows, earning Championship titles in Dressage, Hunt Seat, Dressage Suitability, Saddle Seat, Driving, Dressage Sport Horse In-Hand and Best Movement.

In 2008 Erica was recognized as IALHA Rookie Trainer of the Year and was IALHA Professional Horsewoman of the Year in 2014 and 2018. Since 2023, Erica Peet has been traveling regularly to Portugal, where she is studying Working Equitation and classical dressage with World Champions Nicole Silva and Gilberto Felipe, among others.

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USA Working Equitation
Cattle Trial CNC Missoula Yin Chang'e
Erica Peet in WE Water Obstacle
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