WE Post: December 2022 E-News

Greetings from USAWE President Elect

December 2022 E-News
See all past President Letters: President's Letter

President’s Letter

By: Olga Hendrickson

Happy New Year

It is exciting to realize that USAWE is entering its third year. Under the leadership of Past Presidents Leslie Martien and Barbara Price, so much has been accomplished in just two years. While it’s not possible to list all of what has been accomplished and what is in the works, here are a few highlights:


  • The Competitions Committee is working on a program to encourage and develop schooling shows. Schooling shows benefits our sport by allowing more riders to learn about and experience Working Equitation in a low-stress environment, while allowing our L judges to gain the experience they need prior to judging rated shows.
  • A Show Managers Manual is being developed to assist show management with the ins and outs of running a licensed show.
  • The Youth Committee continues to work towards ways to grow our base of Youth riders – the future of our sport!
  • The Licensed Officials Committee is continually developing educational programs including a seminar that will focus exclusively on judging the EOH Phase.
  • There were over 100 licensed USAWE shows held across the country this year and last.
  • We held our very first and very successful Eastern and Western Zone Championship shows this year.

The USAWE Board and Committees are working countless hours to foster a sport that appeals to so many on so many levels the result of which is that Working Equitation is growing by leaps and bounds in the United States. However, despite all that has been accomplished we are still a young organization with lots of room for growth. That’s where you, as members, can help. What would you like to see happening with USAWE in the coming year?

I would like to encourage you to be an active participant in growing this sport. Your enthusiasm for the sport is contagious and will excite other horse people. Share your thoughts and ideas with us, volunteer – at shows, on committees, get involved any way you can. Contact your Regional and At-Large Directors and let them know how they can enhance your experience and also how you can help.

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