National & Regional Leaderboards

USAWE Leaderboards

USAWE Leaderboards recognize the outstanding achievements of our members who compete in Working Equitation throughout the U.S.


Leaderboard Results

Competitors are responsible for the accuracy of:
Results from each show are typically posted within 30 days.

Do you have questions or corrections related to Leaderboard standing?

Please email 

In order to allow us to send out our awards in a timely manner, all year-end results are considered final after January 15. Thank you for checking your standings throughout the year!

Horse/Rider Pair Ranking

Learn how Horse/Rider Pair Ranking points are earned by reading details of our National and Regional Standings located on Award Programs.

Since 2022, USAWE licensed show Leaderboard Ranking Calculations have been provided through the online scoring system, thanks to a special adaptation of the software by its developer, José Bacelar Lourenço.

Horse Ranking

The Horse Rankings post USAWE licensed show annual points earned, organized by primary horse breed listed in USAWE Recorded Horses.

The USAWE Horse Rankings identify the top-point-earning horses in Working Equitation in the U.S.

Unlike the horse/rider pair National and Regional Leaderboards which use only the top four points earned that competition year, the Horse Ranking lists include cumulative points earned at all USAWE-licensed competitions in a given season.

We also use this information to identify the award winners for breeds with sponsored High Point Breed Awards.

Note:  Breed Sponsors may impose additional award criteria.

See High Point Breed Awards Sponsors & Winners for details about High Point Breed Performance Award sponsors, Breed Performance Award criteria, and annual winners.

Year-End High Point Breed Performance Award recipients will be determined by the end of February.  Awards are distributed in March.

Leaderboard Awards Timeline

Year-End Award recipients will be finalized by the end of February.
Awards are distributed in March.

    Leaderboard Awards Survey

    2023 Leaderboard Awards Survey Results
    Survey conducted July 5-31, 2023 | 975 Recipients |120 responses; 4 duplicates, leaving 116 individual responses.

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