WE Post: August 2021 E-News

Greetings from USAWE President Elect

August 2021 E-News
See all past President Letters: President's Letter

President’s Letter

By: Leslie Martien

Dear USAWE Members,
This year is flying by, and we are rapidly closing in on the time for another election! As per our bylaws, several USAWE Board of Director positions are opening up for 2022. This is a great opportunity to get more involved with the inner workings of USAWE, become part of a great team of people, and influence and guide some of the decisions of the organization going forward.

USAWE needs candidates forl the position of President Elect, At-Large Director 1, and Regional Director for Regions 1, 3, 5, and 7. If you’re considering running for a board position, go to the USAWE.org home page and contact the board member currently serving in that position to learn more about what the position entails. The term for At-Large and Regional Director is two years; the term of President Elect is one year, and then that person rolls into the position of President for one year.

“But I don’t have any experience serving on a board!” you might say. Some of our current board members had a number of years of experience serving on the boards of either WE United or The Confederation for Working Equitation; for others this year was a new experience. But all have played a vital role in getting this organization off the ground, and even after their term is up, will continue to serve the organization in a variety of capacities: as mentors, clinicians, committee members, trainers, and competitors.

Please check your inbox or go to the USAWE website for more election information, and if you have the time and the passion, consider running for one of the open board positions. The organization is always in need of people with diverse backgrounds who have the both the time and the passion to serve its members and grow the sport of Working Equitation in the U.S.

Leslie Martien
USAWE President

USAWE Banners

USAWE Banners are now available!

Event organizers and Affiliate Organizations can now order large 4′ x 6′ vinyl banners!

Affiliate Organizations (AOs) – you may request one banner at no cost to you. It’s a perk for being an AO. (additional banners $86 each)

Show and Event organizers – you may request a one-time banner credit worth $50 toward your banner order.

There are links on the USAWE website Affiliate Organization page and Competitions Resources page for placing banner orders, or click on the link, below, to request a banner today.

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