Committee Reports: August 2021

Membership Committee

  • Current number of USAWE members: 1002
  • Number of members added in the past month: 18
  • Current number of Youth members: 98
  • Number of recorded horses: 2768
  • Number of Affiliate Organizations: 28
By: Mindy Finelli, Membership Committee Chair

Competitions Committee

August 13, 2021

The show season is going strong. We have licensed over 100 shows so far this year! Weekends are filled with shows through October. Check out the Events calendar for full details.

Show licenses issued to date: 109

Shows completed to date: 61

Shows licensed by region:

  • Region 1: 24
  • Region 2: 27
  • Region 3: 8
  • Region 4: 6
  • Region 5: 26
  • Region 6: 13
  • Region 7: 5

New Competitions Committee Member

I’m happy to report that Sue Watkins has joined the Competitions Committee and is already up to speed on verifying that reports, evaluations, and results get delivered on schedule to finish out the competitions process for each licensed show. Her email address is: if you have any questions or would just like to welcome her aboard.

Applications for 2022 Shows Now Being Accepted

The window for licensing shows for 2022 opened on August 15. There is a separate application form on the USAWE website under the Competition Resources tab. For you show organizers who already have your dates set for the 2022 competition year, we’re ready for you. We want to beat the incredible show record we have enjoyed for 2021.


By: Jeanne Bond, Competitions Committee Chair

Rules Committee

August 13, 2021

August 1st was the cutoff date for change proposals to the Rulebook. This year we accumulated a total of 90 change proposals, and the committee is carefully and methodically going through each and every one of them. The change in show structure (removing the option for A-Rated shows and creating the Eastern, Central, and Western Championships) will also be incorporated in this next revision. The goal is to have the book ready to roll out no later than November 1st to give everyone a chance to get familiar with the changes prior to the start of the new competition year on December 1st.

Licensed Officials Committee

Licensed Official Committee Report

USAWE currently has:

  • “S” judges: 5
  • “R” judges: 4
  • “r” judges: 6
  • “L” judges: 6
  • Licensed Technical Delegates: 20

Greetings from the LOC:

In case you missed it, there are changes coming to the Licensed Officials Program. Last month, the USAWE Board received and voted to approve a proposal to offer only one level of licensed show for the 2022 competition season and beyond, eliminating the A- and B-rated show designations. This means that the Provisional TD Program, which was designed to support the smaller B-rated shows and to help bridge the TD requirement for USAWE, will no longer be applicable after this year. Training for TDs will be expanded to provide enhanced support for licensed shows going forward.

If you have tested and served as a Provisional TD for this year, that fulfills half the requirement to become a licensed TD for 2022. The other half of the requirement will be to attend two online training modules: (1) TD Duties and Responsibilities and (2) Validating Scoring and Placement. The modules will soon be ready for rollout. If you are a PTD and are interested in becoming a licensed TD, please contact the LOC,

Upcoming educational opportunity
Please join us on Thursday, September 23 at (10:00 am Pacific, 11:00 am Mountain, 12:00 pm Central, 1:00 Eastern) for a special webinar with Portuguese WAWE Judge, Claudia Elsner Matos. We will be reviewing dressage and ease of handling, movement by movement. This is a unique opportunity for riders to have a rare insight as to what judges are looking for when you are in the show ring.

Licensed S, R and r judges are invited to participate. L judges and TDs along with all members are invited to audit. All auditors, please use this link to register, $25 per registration,
Note: S, R and r judges will have a separate link to register.

Save the Date:
Zoom: LOC’s Hot Topics- Year End Update. We will review the important things to note that came up over the year and rule changes for 2021
November 21, 2021, 2:00 pm Pacific, 3:00 Mountain, 4:00 Central, 5:00 Eastern
Free to all members

By Doreen Atkinson & Christy Reich, LOC Committee Co-chairs

Coaches Network

About the USAWE Coaches Network

The Coaches Network is an opportunity to recognize our experienced trainers and instructors who are dedicated to working equitation.

The Coaches Network highlights these individuals on the USAWE website to promote the sport, not only in their area, but across the country. Coaches are individuals who have invested time and energy into their working equitation education. Their experiences can further the education of people new to the sport or those of us looking to refine our rides and improve our horsemanship.

USAWE is a new and growing organization. Coaches have their boots on the ground expanding this sport that we all love, helping our members achieve their goals. We are now accepting applications to join this program and become a recognized Coach!

The process is outlined on the USAWE website. This program allows for us to provide national recognition to working equitation professionals. A USAWE Coach will be promoted on the USAWE website including a bio, photo and link to your business website. We want to enable new USAWE members, as well as people curious about the sport, to easily locate dedicated, experienced professionals who can mentor them in the sport.

The Coaches Network launched March 1st and there are numerous inquiries moving through the application process. Coaches will be part of a diverse network of trainers and instructors committed to improving horsemanship through working equitation.

We are excited to recognize these individuals in the coming months!

Have questions? Contact us!

By: Ashley Smith, Coaches Network Committee Member

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