WE Post: April 2022 E-News

Greetings from USAWE President Elect

April 2022 E-News
See all past President Letters: President's Letter

President’s Letter

By: Barbara Price

Dear USAWE Members,

This month’s letter is unique in that it is about a topic that requires little narrative other than the announcement itself. It’s with great pleasure I recap USAWE’s recent message regarding the World Association for Working Equitation (WAWE):

USA Working Equitation (USAWE) announced on April 11 the organization had received an invitation to join WAWE as a member country, and our Board of Directors had unanimously approved WAWE’s Protocol for the United States.


WAWE is the international authority responsible for working equitation across all member countries. The opportunity to become a member of WAWE and the international working equitation community is something many WE enthusiasts have aspired to for years. This is, indeed, an exciting development and a big step for our sport in the U.S.

Some have asked ‘what does this mean for USAWE members, supporters, and competitors?’

I believe it has significant meaning on a couple of levels:

  • For WE professionals and higher-level riders, it creates a pathway to international competition. USAWE is now eligible to form an international team of riders and compete at international events, including the World’s Championship held each year
  • Perhaps even more important for ALL WE riders, it brings solid credibility to our sport not only within the equine sector, but sports in general. This helps lead to wider-spread awareness, increased participation, and attracting corporate and other sponsors. All of which will assist with local and regional shows, educational events, and much more.

Personally, I’m very excited about us joining with WAWE and uniting with other member countries in support of working equitation. I have no doubt the benefits will reach across all regions and riding levels.

Work hard. Play hard. And enjoy every moment!

With much appreciation,
Barbara Price
President 2022

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