MT: Trisha Reed Working Equitation Clinic


On May 20-22, WE Under The Big Sky and the Big Sky Horse Park will be hosting Trisha Reed from Run-A-Muck Ranch for the next generation of Trisha Reed’s Working Equitation Clinic. This fresh format will not only welcome those new to the sport, but is geared for seasoned riders to do a level refresher or a level up check-in for the 2022 season. In addition to small, level specific groups for the clinic, there will be opportunities to sign up for private lessons beforehand and/or a separate “ride a trial” afterwards. We hope you will join us to ride with Trisha, a USAWE Recognized Coach, and SPRING into another fun Working Equitation year in Montana!
Log on to for registration forms and more information.

Trisha Kiefer-Reed Professional Instructor

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