WE Post: R5 Jan. 2022

R5 Jan. 2022

Category: Announcements


By: Becky Sherven

Happy New Year Region 5! We are certainly off to a cold start this year. I hope everyone is staying as warm as they can and still managing some time with their ponies. 

Growing up, I didn’t have regular access to an indoor arena, and you just had to “make do”. There are so many ways to spend time with and grow your relationship with your horse, despite some of these weather challenges. No matter whether you are enjoying the heat of an indoor, a roof over your head or the wind in your ears, I hope your year is off to a great start! 

Now is the time to start working towards your goals. Take time to recognize progress, versus seeking perfection. In speaking with so many people over the years in Working Equitation, this seems to be a recurring theme and mantra by individuals in the sport… Enjoy the journey!

As you make plans with your horse(s) this year, check out the USAWE Events Page. We already have many licensed competitions throughout the region.  

There are also a wide variety of learning opportunities and clinics (virtual and in person) throughout and outside of our region. Be sure to follow our region, along with other region’s Facebook pages for updates and events.

Lastly, we are all very excited about the USAWE Central Zone Championship which will be October 20 – October 23, 2022 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Kansas.  Mark your calendars and stay tuned for details!

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