By: Chris Stanko — Region 3 Director


July 27th HCWE Schooling Show
Judged by Ginny Giles. Spring Gulch – 9490 N US Hwy 85, Highlands Ranch, CO

August 3 (If the 3rd fills we will do the 4th) CLINIC
With Kitty McLaughlin and Chris Prep for end of August shows

Circle Star Arena
Platteville, CO

Kitty McLaughlin


July 20-21
2024 Working Equitation of Kansas shows #5,#6
Location:- R&D Ranch Topeka KS
Judge/Clinician Nicole Chastain Price- “S” Judge

Kate Fowler


Teresa Bain in Worland Wyoming has been hosting several working equitation derby’s this summer. Teresa splits her time between Arizona and Wyoming. Stay tuned for events coming to Region 3 from Teresa at Dalton Farms

Nebraska Heartland Working Equitation News

Nebraska heartland Working Equitation is hosting a series of micro-clinics geared toward people brand new to the sport of Working Equitation.

These clinics are free to attend whether you have a horse to ride or just would like to audit on foot.

In July, we are meeting at a private barn in Overton, Nebraska. In August, we will be meeting at the Sheriff’s Posse Arena in Grand Island, Nebraska. If there is enough interest, we’ll plan on having a schooling show in Grand Island, in September. If you’d like to see a copy of the flyer for more information, please find it on the USAWE calendar, or at:

If you’d like to register, please email, call or text me:


Kristine Strasburger
(208) 818-0400




My name is Kristine Strasburger, and I live in Lexington, NE. I moved out here a few years ago. Before that I was living in North Idaho. When I lived in Idaho, I rode a Percheron draft cross named Kodi. I rode him at introductory level. When I moved to Nebraska, I wasn’t able to bring him with me. Thankfully, I found a wonderful and loving home for him. I enjoyed having him and I really miss him.

Right now, I’ve got a two-year-old Iberican filly that my sister, Julie Alonzo bred. Her name is CDC Lexi. I think she’s going to be a fantastic horse for Working Equitation, and I can’t wait until she’s big enough to ride!

I started Nebraska Heartland Working Equitation , as an USAWE Affiliate Organization shortly after moving to Nebraska. This summer we finally have some events planned. We had our first Micro-clinic in June, and have another one scheduled for July and August. Depending on interest, we might try to do a schooling show in September.

I have served USAWE in multiple capacities, beginning with the merge board. I am currently serving as your Committee Chairs for the Website Committee, and the Affiliate Organizations program, as well as carrying out duties as one of the Clerical Assistants.

USAWE is full of wonderful people and it’s a real pleasure to get to be a part of this great organization!

Kristine Strasburger REGION 3 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT

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